Health & Safety Policy





Part 1 – General Statement of Policy


  1. This document is the Health and Safety Policy of the Cottingham Darby & Joan Building Trust in respect of the Darby & Joan Hall, Cottingham. Although it is not a legal requirement, it is issued in accordance with good practice.


  1. Our policy is to:

(a)        Provide healthy and safe working conditions, equipment and systems of work for our volunteers, committee members, contractors and hirers

(b)        Keep the Darby & Joan Hall and equipment in a safe condition for all users

(c)        Provide such training and information as is necessary to volunteers, contractors and users.


  1. It is the intention of the Darby & Joan Hall Management Committee to comply, as far as is reasonably practicable, with all health and safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations.


  1. The Darby & Joan Hall Management Committee considers the promotion of the health and safety of those who use its premises, including contractors who may work there, to be of great importance. The Management Committee recognises that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe systems of work.   To this end, it will seek to encourage committee members, contractors and users to engage in the establishment and observance of safe working practices.


  1. Contractors, hirers, users and visitors are expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the committee, with all safety requirements set out in the hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.


Signed: (On behalf of the Management Committee of the Darby & Joan Hall, Cottingham)



Signature         ________________R. Minors__________


Name              ___________R. MINORS______________


Chairman, Cottingham Darby & Joan Building Trust


Date                ________9 February 2021______



Part 2 – Organisation of Health and Safety


  1. The Darby & Joan Hall Management Committee has overall responsibility for health and safety at the Darby & Joan Hall, Cottingham.


  1. It is the duty of all contractors, hirers and visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the Management Committee in keeping the premises safe and healthy, including the grounds.


  1. Should anyone using the Hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and cannot be rectified immediately, they should inform the Caretaker or the Booking Secretary as soon as possible so that the problem can be dealt with. Where equipment is damaged a notice should be placed on it warning it is not to be used.


  1. The undermentioned persons can be contacted regarding:
Information to Hirers The Booking Secretary
Information to Contractors The Chairman
The First Aid Box The Caretaker
Reporting of Accidents The Caretaker
Insurance The Treasurer


  1. A plan of the Hall is attached showing the location of fire exits and fire extinguishers.




Part 3 – Safety Rules


  1. Introduction.

A Health and Safety Policy is only a legal requirement for employers with more than five employees, but the Darby & Joan Hall Management Committee has drawn up this policy to clarify procedures and areas of responsibility to ensure the health and safety of its users in accordance with good practice.


  1. Hiring Agreement


All hirers will be expected to read the whole of the hiring agreement and should sign the hiring form as evidence that they agree to the hiring conditions.   A copy of this Policy will be affixed to the Notice Board in the entrance to the Main Hall.


  1. Responsibilities of Users

Hirers, contractors and visitors will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the Committee, with all safety requirements set out in the hiring agreement and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves or others.


  1. Safety practices

The following practices must be followed in order to minimise risks:

  • Smoking (including vaping) is forbidden inside and outside the Halls.
  • Make sure that all emergency exit doors are clear and unlocked as soon as the hall is to be used and throughout the hiring period.
  • Do not operate or touch any electrical equipment where there are signs of damage, exposure of components or water penetration, etc.
  • Do not work on steps, ladders or at height until they are properly secured and another person is present. (A mobile phone and telephone number of someone who can administer first aid should be available).
  • Do not leave portable electrical or gas appliances operating while unattended
  • Do not bring on to the property any portable electrical appliances which have not been checked to ensure that they are safe to be used. If in any doubt, they must not be used.
  • Do not attempt to move heavy or bulky items (eg stacked tables or more than two chairs).
  • Do not stack more than five chairs
  • Do not stand on chairs or tables
  • Use extreme caution when handling boiling water containers.
  • Do not allow children in the kitchen. Avoid overcrowding in the kitchen and do not allow running.
  • Wear suitable protective clothing when handling cleaning or other toxic materials
  • Report any evidence of damage or faults to equipment or the building’s facilities to the Caretaker
  • Record every accident on an Accident Report Sheet (See inside First Aid Box).
  • Be aware and seek to avoid the following risks:

–           creating slipping hazards on stairs, polished or wet floors – mop up spills immediately

          creating tripping hazards such as buggies, umbrellas, mops and other items left in halls and corridors

           use adequate lighting to avoid tripping in poorly lit areas

           risk to individuals in sole occupancy of the building

           risks involved in handling kitchen equipment e.g., cooker, water heater and knives

           creating toppling hazards by piling equipment e.g., in store cupboards


  1. Contractors.

The Management Committee will check with contractors (including self-employed persons) before they start work that:

  • the contract is clear and understood by both the contractors and the committee
  • the contractors are competent to carry out the work (eg have appropriate qualifications, references, experience)
  • the contractors have adequate public liability insurance cover
  • the contractors are aware of any hazards which might arise (eg electricity cables, gas pipes or water pipes)
  • the contractors should not work alone on ladders at height
  • the contractors have their own health and safety policy for their staff
  • the contractors know which member of the committee is responsible for overseeing that their work is as asked and to a satisfactory standard
  • any alterations or additions to the electrical installations or equipment must conform to the current regulations of the Institute of Electrical Engineers


9 February 2021


Health & Safety Policy 1